Former Vice President and Senior Art Directer of Mintz & Hoke Communications, Dana opened his own agency, Robinson Advertising & Design in 1994. Dana prides himself in working personally with each client, building a relationship and a thorough understanding of the organization's goals. This approach has enabled the firm to design and develop effective communication initiatives with a fresh perspective for a wide range of clients. His work has been published in various design publications including CA Design, The New York One Show Book, Print Magazine’s Design Annuals, Graphis Brochure Book and How Magazine. He is the recipient of four Gold Hatch Awards and his work is represented in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Museum Of Design.
Realizing there was a void for restaurant and hospitality industry niche marketing, Laura Mahon established her own firm, Restaurant Redux in 2009. Leaving behind a corporate sales and marketing position she built her new company with the goal of optimizing sales for the restaurant and event venue market, providing effective but affordable marketing for independent businesses. In 2011 she brought her company an it's new division, Apple Publications to join forces with RAD. With a degree in marketing and graphic design, Laura handles our Digital Design and Social Media. Although a native New Englander, Laura spent many years living and working in Europe, and brings Continental innovation to her design aesthetic. 
Karen Stevenson, a graphic designer and web builder by trade, has brought her high end design aesthetic to RAD. She can usually be found in her office, busy creating one of her amazing websites. Inspired by her Dad at an early age to find a career that she loved, Karen graduated from University of Connecticut with a B.A. in Fine Arts. Combining her love of creating beautiful design with the business of marketing a product has become Karen's passion and also her forté, as her satisfied clientele will attest. When not glued to her iMac computer, Karen can be found teaching "Intro to Digital Media" at the University of Connecticut, browsing used book stores and perfecting the art of letterpress printing. She is also passionate about raising funds for local animal shelters ( and enjoys spending time with her own furry friends.